Al-Qaeda Exchange Program
I had a dream a few weeks back. In it a was participating in an exchange program. There was some sort of bureaucratic error, and I was placed in a host family in the Middle East headed by an al-Qaeda operative. It took a little for me to figure this out, although the family sertainly wasn't hiding anything. As it turns out, they were also the victims of a misapprehension, as they thought I was an al-Qaeda trainee.
This was not a nightmare, nor was it particularly stressful. Mostly the dream was filled with the banalities of daily life. The dad/operative was all pissed off that their wireless wasn't working, so I had to tinker with it to get it to work again. Bro picked on sis at the dinner table. Things went pretty smoothly.
I'm not sure how the dream ended, and I also haven't been able to figure out how we communicated exactly. My closest recollection is that my family, in training for their mole operation, were conveniently speaking English at home all the time
I would love to write a book about this.
Also, does anyone remember how in the first wave of reporting on al-Qaeda, the spelling was totally variable? Which spelling would I use in my book? What is the preferred self-descriptive spelling?
Perhaps you will recall that you are a Jew?
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