Saturday, May 14, 2005

TTSE1: 24-Hour Movie Theater

Things That Should Exist #1:

I've been talking about this one for a long time. Pretty clearly the product of summer nights in high school- a nocturnal schedule, some disposable income, burgeoning interest in local landmarks in LA. I'm not saying that every movie theater could support this kind of business model, but I think if you targeted the right neighborhood (Silverlake? Brooklyn? N Portland?) in the right town, a non-stop movie theater could be a viable and exciting place. Attach a cafe/bar, a little book store, some weird film series, maybe a second screening room that would always play unanounced, diverse fare - industrial videos, action blockbusters, commercials, music videos.

I would go. My friends would go. Isn't that enough?


At 10:51 AM, Blogger webho said...

My 2 cents: I have been thinking about that idea for some time now. That would be a great idea especially in summer time when it is hot and people go to theaters to stay cool. I know that everyone I know would go for it.


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