The Awesome State of the Union
2 Reasons why America is still cool from tonight's State of the Union:
- Human/Animal Hybrids
- Tim Kaine's Left Eyebrow

So cool.
2 Reasons why America is still cool from tonight's State of the Union:
For the past 4 days or so, morning, noon and night, there have been the most awful cat sex sounds coming from the side and back of our house. Have you seen or heard cats have sex before? My understanding is that cat penises are barbed in some way which makes copulation painful for the feline female, but, correspondingly, vaginal pain triggers ovulation or some such sexual process. Can anyone verify this?
One thing I think about a lot but don't discuss that often with other people is how to fix, or at least mess up in a different way, all of the things I see wrong with our appropriately maligned public education system. In the unlikely event that someone I don't know reads this, I should state here that I work as, let me get this right, a Russian Bilingual ELL Educational Assistant at Parkrose Middle School in outer NE Portland. I love my job because my coworkers in the ELL department and superiors are pretty awesome, driven and creative, and, especially, because the kids I work with are pretty damn cool. There are about 175 students at my school, 6th-8th grade, identified as ELL, which essentially means that they speak a language other than English at home, perhaps in addition to, perhaps exclusive to, English. Additionally their English skills and academic success must be at such a level to warrant support services. I work with kids from a huge variety of places - Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Moldova, Mexico, Haiti, Laos, Ukraine, Somalia - but I am primarily hired to work with, interpret, translate and advocate for the Russian-speaking community of the Parkrose School District, most of whom are not from Russia at all, but from Russian-speaking former Soviet States. Many of them speak a large number of languages beccause of the geopolitics of that region, but I just learned that one of my 7th-grade girls takes the prize, speaking (or at least understanding) 6 languages including: Russian, Ukrainian, English, Moldovan, Romanian, and something I've never heard of before called "Khlyatskii."
I've been pretty unreliable as cconcerns posting for the past while. Excuses include the convergence of: teaching, recording, writing lyrics for said recording, avoiding writing said lyrics for said recording, and watching TV shows. I have, however, written more than a few posts in my mind, so maybe I'll try to make use of that surplus: